Coffee Chats - Fall Time Change sleep Tips

Coffee Chats - Fall Time Change sleep Tips

Let's set you up for success as we move into the fall time change this weekend. Don't forget to head to my website and get my free time change guide. While you a there please book a discover call so we can talk about how I might be able to help you get your sleep and sanity back as a parent.

Coffee Chats with Alison - Spring and Summer Sleep

Today I’m our Coffee Chat
I discuss how to address early waking with our babies and kids. So early!!!!

I will also be discussing the bright and noisy spring mornings.

Top 3 things to remember

1️⃣ check your sleep environment -is it cool, dark and quiet

2️⃣ are you rewarding early wake up or continuing to be boring and repetitive till wake up time.

3️⃣consistency and predictability are huge when it comes to teaching kids behaviour and expectations.

Toddler Clocks - A Secret Tool for Parents with Toddlers

Toddler Clocks - A Secret Tool for Parents with Toddlers

A toddler Clock is a great tool for your family sleep tool box.

I have heard from many parents “my kids won’t stay in bed and wake up so early”, while there are my reasons. I will often ask if they have a toddler close?

Morning confusion is common for most Toddlers and Preschoolers and very common here in Calgary with dark or bright mornings depending on the season. You will find, 5 am, and 7 am look the same. 

There are many different toddler alarm clocks on the market and in my opinion, are worth the investment. Most work on the same basic principle - A light will indicate to your child when it's time to wake up. Some have moons and stars; some have aps; some also can be used for nap time or even bedtime. Look around and find the best option for your family. Both my girls used Okay to Wake Clocks with much success. 

Have You Ever Woken Up and Not Recognized Where You Are?

Did you know babies will often experience this when your baby falls asleep all cosy with you and wakes up in a different location? It can be any of the following: Scary, unnerving or confusing. This can also be called object permanence which is often associated with bedtime and night wakings.