Summer Sleep Tips!

Summer is upon us here in the northern hemisphere….warmer temperatures, brighter mornings and evenings and no school….so often a less structured timetable.  Here are a few ways to help keep kids on a great routine for the summer holidays.

  1. Make sure you have room darkening curtains/blinds. This not only makes bedtime easier but also keeps your child's room darker in the mornings to reduce the early wakings.

  2. A noise machine - something constant to help drown out the outside noise coming in from the open windows. Those kids playing outside at 8pm and those chirping birds can be pretty loud in the morning.

  3. Bedtime routines - keep up with your bedtime routines. This acts as a reminder that it’s time for sleep.

  4. Structure your day. I like to create  plan for our days… adding a little routine to our mornings, afternoon and evening. Even in summer I make sure my girls are up by 7:30am.

  5. Keep night time clothes minimal - Try a summer sleep sack or light summer Pj’s. Babies have a hard time regulating their own temperature so be careful to keep light bedding. They can’t take off a  blanket when they are too hot.

  6. Be sun and heat smart. Keep your kids out of the sun whenever possible, remember sunblock and to drink lots of water. Keeping kids hydrated in the heat is especially important. Dehydration or an uncomfortable sunburn might make it difficult for your child to sleep.

  7. Don’t skip naps and quiet time.  Giving your child a chance each day to recharge and rest will also help create a better day. Summer can bring increased activities and thus recharging mid-day is so important. This will help you keep your schedule (#4).

  8. The most important message is to enjoy the time with your kids. Summer is to be memorable. Go somewhere new with your kids and remember how much fun summer vacation was when you were little.


If you are needing help to navigate summer sleep please contact me at as i’d love to help you.

xx Alison